Starting a business in Malaysia
Malaysia is a country on the move, from a country dependent on agriculture and primary commodities, Malaysia has today become an export-driven economy spurred on by high technology, knowledge-based and capital-intensive industries.
Malaysia, strategically located in the heart of South East Asia, offers a cost-competitive location for investors intending to set up offshore operations for the manufacture of advanced technological products for regional and international markets.
Supported by a market-oriented economy and pro-business Government policies, Malaysia offers investors a dynamic and vibrant business environment with the ideal prerequisites for growth and profits. Malaysia's key strengths include having a well-developed infrastructure and a productive workforce. A politically stable country with a well-developed legal system, Malaysia also provides attractive incentives for investors.
Doing Business in Malaysia: A Dynamic Business Environment
There are a number of important considerations for investors when deciding on establishing a business in Malaysia. For a start, finding the right help is critical to the success of your investment in Malaysia. Here at StanleyCo, we have been in the industry for 40 years, making us a local market expert. At the same time, we have had extensive experience assisting overseas clients, providing us with the experience of understanding the concerns and needs of foreign investors.
As such, we have established a dedicated team to assist you in the following areas of a business start-up:
Advising the right entity to match your investment objectives in Malaysia
Free consultation on setting up a Malaysian Sdn. Bhd. (Private Limited) company
Assist in complying with the regulations of Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM), Inland Revenue Board (tax department), Royal Malaysian Customs (goods and services tax) and payroll compliances, Employee Provident Fund, SOCSO, etc.
Applying for visa and working permits for expatriates and their dependents
Tax planning to achieve the best outcome for your business
Our services
We provide comprehensive accounting, tax and business advisory services to helps you achieve your business goals:
Company registration (Sdn. Bhd. / Bhd. / Foundation / Regional office / Investment Holding)
Nominee Director services
Corporate advisory and company secretary services
Shelf Companies / ready-made companies (ready within 24 hours)
Work visas, MM2H and related license application
Payroll services
Accounting and book-keeping services
Goods and Services Tax (GST) compliance services
Tax compliance services (corporation, expatriates, foreign investor, employees and individuals)
Tax planning
Tax incentives (MSC, pioneer status, reinvestment allowance)
Tax Audit Services
Internal audit services and risk assessments
Please contact us today at +60 (3) 8076 8717 (Ms. Angeline Chan / Ms. Poh Ying) or email your enquiries to enquiry@stanleyco.com.my for further information.
Company Address:
Suite 15, 6th Floor, IOI Business Park,
Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47170
Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Contact No.:
Tel: + 60 3 8076 8717
Fax: + 60 3 8076 8719