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Smart Automation Grant (SAG) under Penjana

Grants of up to RM1 million per company are available to eligible SMEs and mid-tier companies to automate and digitise their business processes

The SAG grant was rolled out at the end of 2020 by MIDA with the aim to empower both manufacturers and service providers to adopt automation and move towards digitalisation.

This grant will be awarded on a matching basis or 50% of total eligible expenditures, up to a maximum grant cap of RM1mil per company. Companies that have been undertaking manufacturing or services activities in the past 12 months are eligible to be considered for SAG.

Definition of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and mid-tier companies (MTCs):

Eligible expenditures refer to the automation machine, equipment and/or software that are used directly in the overall value chain of manufacturing and services activities where at least one of the following deliverables are to be achieved:

1. Reduction of unskilled workers

2. Reduction in man hours

3. Increase in production volume

4. Quality improvement (reduction in defect rate)

5. Increase in services delivery

6. Reduction of man hours in delivering services

Application can be made to MIDA between 1 Nov 2020 to 31 Dec 2021.

Please contact us if you require further assistance.



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