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Foreign Investment Accelerator Fund (FIAF)

Type of Grant Assistance

The FIAF will be given on a matching basis (50:50) based on eligible expenditures.

The investors must be engaged in the following activities:

(I) Manufacturing activities in compliance with the Industrial Coordination Act

(ICA), 1975;

(II) Services activities in the following areas:

• Global Services Hub;

• Digital Infrastructure;

• R&D Services;

• Ship Building Ship Repair;

• Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul for Aerospace;

• Oil & Gas Services; or

• Integrated Waste Management

Eligibility Criteria

  • Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1965/2016

  • Possess a valid Business license from a local authority.

  • The company must engage in the following activities:

i. Manufacturing activity in compliance with the Industrial Co-ordination Act,

1975; or

ii. Services activities which must be registered with relevant ministries/


  • The company has been in operation for at least 3 years.

  • Must meet prerequisite criteria/conditions (please refer to the guidelines).

  • Other conditions are subject to the decision of the National Committee on Investment (NCI) if any.

Types of Grants under FIAF are:

i. Research & Development & Innovation (R&D&I) grant for activities undertaken in


ii. Technical training grant which is directly related to the approved project for

full-time Malaysian employees.

Application Fee

The Company can submit its application for the Foreign Investment Accelerator Fund (FIAF) to MIDA with an evaluation fee of RM12,000.00 per application.

Effective Date of Application

Applications received by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) from 10 November 2023 will be eligible for consideration for this grant. However, the approval of these applications is subject to the availability of funding and allocation by the Government of Malaysia and the prevailing policy in force.

Applications can only be made online through the following link:


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